Our charity aim to delivers specialist advice and supports wound care management in care homes and patients’ homes. We are here to provide advice and support to staff, patients and families – particularly on chronic, hard to heal wounds, leg ulcers and complex cases.
Home Visits: We aim to visit housebound patients to advise on chronic, hard to heal wounds, leg ulcers and complex cases.
Care Homes: We aim to visit patients in Care Homes to provide specialist advice on wound care.
Education: We aim to offer training for local nurses, including programmes on Pressure Ulcer Management, Leg Ulcer Management and Wound Management.
Advice: We offer expert advice to patients, carers and healthcare professionals.
Who is the service for?
Patients with wound problems and health professionals requiring specialist advice.
Accessing the service
Referrals are triaged (pre-assessed and prioritised): home visits are usually arranged within during the teams visit to Ghana. Care is delivered in a variety of settings, including patients’ homes, care homes, hospices and community hospitals within Ghana.
Our services are intended to drive improvement in the way in which leg ulcer services deliver care to the patient. It should foster continued quality improvement and will expect providers to deliver clear and formal accountability processes and structures to ensure a safe, effective and integrated continuity of clinical care for all patient.
A few patients with uncomplicated leg ulcer may be treated in hospital if they are admitted with co-existing medical problems. A better patient outcomes are achieved in the clinical setting, but in Ghana this is not always possible as patients remain at home with their ulcers until it get out of hand due to poverty and lack of facilities.
In patients with leg ulcers, healing is not a straightforward process. The experience of pain is commonly cited as an issue in the management of leg ulcer and one that have a significant effect on a patients quality of life. It is therefore logical that patient who are not willing to travel to hospital to have their legs dressed every week at home. The community would be a better option for these patients.
Chronic wounds
Chronic ulcer is a growing people and We want to reach more people suffering from chronic wounds in remote parts of Ghana.
We must do something about Malnutrition which is causing high infant mortality rate, deaths from preventable causes especially maternal deaths.
Caring for people
We want to ensure we can provide for people who can’t afford to adequately support themselves while we encourage them with education.